مؤسسة عبقات الاسلامية الالكترونية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مؤسسة عبقات الاسلامية الالكترونية

مؤسسة ومنتديات عبقات ترحب بكم
الرئيسيةالجاتأحدث الصورتلعيمات التسجيلالتسجيلدخول


 ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشرفة عبقات اللغات
مشرفة عبقات اللغات

الجنس : انثى
المهنة : ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي Profes10
الابراج : العذراء
عدد المساهمات : 77
تاريخ الميلاد : 15/09/1984
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/06/2012
العمر : 40

ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي   ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 16, 2012 10:01 pm

ه 1.GPS : Global Positioning System
2. DVD : Disc Video Digital
3.MP3 : Moving Picture Group Layer 3
4. USB : Universal Serial Bus.
5.LAN : Local Area Network .
6.RAM : Random Access Memory .
7. WWW : World Wide Web .
8.E-mail : Electronic mail .
9.Blog : Web log .
10 .TV : Television .
11. ICTs : Information and Communication Technologies .
12. E- learning : Electronic learning .
Definitions :
1.Modem : a device that encodes digital computer signals into analoge
telephone signals and vice versa and allows computer to
communicate over a phone lion .
2. LAN : Local Area Network ,an interconnection of computers that
are in relatively close proximity to each other ,such as with in a
building .
3. Website : a set interconnected web pages usually including a
homepage , generally located on the same server .
4.Boot : to start ( a computer ) by loading an operating system from a
disk .
5. Internet : Millions of computer networks that communicate together .
6.RAM : Random Access Memory , computer memory that
dynamically stores and retrieves programme and data values
during operation .
7.GPS : Global Positioning System , is a space- based satellite
navigation system that provide location and time information in
all weather , anywhere on or near the Earth .
8. I POD : is a line of portable media players created by and marketed
by Apple Inc. As with many other digital music players ,I Pod can
serve as external data storage devices .
9.WWW :World Wide Web , a set of programs standards and protocol
governing the way in which multimedia files are created and
displayed on the internet .
10. I PAD : is a line of table computers designed marketed by Apple
Inc. primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books
periodicals , movies , music , games , maps and web content .
11.E-mails : is a method of exchanging digital message from an author
to one or more recipient .
12 . A Blog : is an internet journal or newsletter . Blogs are usually
written about a specific topic , update frequently ,and intended
for the general public to read .
13. A Global Economy : is a new system created by Globalization and
Information Technologies change ,It is powered by technology ,
fueled by information , and driven by knowledge .
14. Information and Communication Technologies : ICTs are a diverse
set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and
to create , disseminate , store and manage information .
15. Electronic Learning : is a method of learning that uses an
information network whether wholly or in part facilitation with
education .
16. Blended Learning : is a method of learning that combine
traditional classroom with e-learning solution .
17. Open and Distance Learning : is a way of providing learning
opportunities that is characterized by the separation of teacher
and learner in time or place ,both time and place .
18. Server : is a computer or programmer which provides Services to other programes or users .
19. Social Network : a structure on the web made up of people who are
connected to each other .
20. Download : is the process of transferring software/ information
from a server to a computer .
21. Monitor : is a device similar to a television set used to give graphic
display of the output from a computer .
22. Virus : is a programme which can covertly transmit itself between
computer via networks ( especially the internet ) or removable
storage such as CDs , USB drives , often cawing damage to system
and data .


  1. try out = test

  2. carry out = perform

  3. take in = understand

  4. bring up = raise

  5. take over = take charge of

  6. emergence = appearance

  7. serious = important

  8. global = world wide

  9. transmission = spread

  10. promote = encourage

  11. harness = exploit

  12. traditional = conventional

  13. disseminate = transfer

  14. strengthen = make strong

  15. shrink = make smaller

  16. illiterate = unable to learn

  17. appropriately = in the right way

  18. encompass = show

  19. assign = give something to be used

  20. periodic = happing regularly

  21. tutors = private teacher

venues = place
Instructions :
1.You hear a beep on your phone and it says "new massage "Then you
open the in-box and the message appears is receiving a text –message
2. Press the ON button and then use the zoom to make the picture
bigger or smaller. Then press the button on the top taking a photo .
3.Write your address and the date in the top right hand corner .Start
with Dear and the name of the address is writing a letter.
4.If you can't find the information you want click on the links and
you'll see a list of other websites is surfing the internet .
5.When you've finished writing, click on the send button at the top of
the screen is sending an e-mail .

منقول عن الست شيماء

هناك بعض الاسئلة المهمة التي يجب حفظها وهي من الكتاب اصلا
1. what is the internet?
It's the means to communicate with even your view of life .
2. what is the world wide web?
A set of programs standards , and protocols governing the way in which multimedia files are created and displayed on the Internet.
3. what do people used the Internet?If so, how?
It's used for;
access to a databases , online courses , online commerce,communication, voice and video
conferencing , mail ,finding information and other uses.
هذه اسئله واجوبة الموضوع الثاني
1.what is an e mail ?
Is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients.

2. what can you send through the e mail system?
I can send one message or more recipients.

3. can you have more than one e mail address ?
yes I can .

4. what are the components of an Internet e mail message?
There are three components , the message envelope , the message header , and the body.

اسئله القطع في الصفحات 34 و 35

1. what does the expression " learning to learn " mean?
The acquisition of knowledge and skills and that makes possible continuous learning over the lifetime.

2.How can ICTS be defined ?
A diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate , and to creat , disseminate , store , and manage information.

3. what does e learning mean?
It's the term online learning.

4. what does blended learning mean?
This refers to learning modals that combine traditional classroom practice with e learning solutions.

5.what does distance learning mean ?
It's a way of providing learning opportunities that is characterized by the separation of teacher and learner in time or place , or both time and place.

الان هذه بعض الاشتقاقات الموجوده في اليونت 1
Adjectives _ Nouns

1. informative _ information
2. advantageous _ advantage.
3. applicable _ application
4. valid _ validity
5. commercial _ commerce
6.exclusive _ exclusion
7. distinctive _ distinction@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Nouns _ Verbs

1.discovery _ discover
2.inventor _ invent
3.analyst _ analyse
4. observer _ observe
5.exclusion _ exclude
6.constriction _ constrict

Nouns _ adverb
1. distinction _ distinctively
2. exclusion _ exclusively


هذه اهم الامور في اليونت الاول امنياتي القليبه ان يستفاد الجميع من هذا الملخص


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ملخص يونت 1 للخامس الاعدادي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
مؤسسة عبقات الاسلامية الالكترونية :: عبقات الثقافة والادب والمواهب :: عبقات اللغات-
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